As a Club Partner, Advertiser or Official Supporter of the Kernow Piskies, your brand will be associated with our much-loved, LGBT+ sports club, known all across Cornwall and soon the UK.
Align your brand to our continued efforts to encourage greater inclusivity in sport and benefit from being able to visibly demonstrate your businesses’ commitment to helping make society more cohesive, tolerant and active.
Your brand can be up-front and centre as we promote greater participation in rugby, encourage teamwork and confidence in people from marginalised sections of society and reach out across communities to communicate the physical and mental health benefits achievable when you give rugby a try.
We have immediate opportunities for you to:.
Contact Laura, our Founder to arrange a callback via and read our PDF below for more info.
The Piskies family extends past just players on the field. We are always looking for people that want to be involved but can’t throw their boots on.
In addition to rugby activities we participate in events and support other causes in Cornwall’s gay community. If you are interested in volunteering for any events or activities please contact our Founder & Director of Rugby - Laura.
If your business wants to join us in our inaugural year and is interested in a sponsorship relationship with the Kernow Piskies please contact us.
The Kernow Piskies greatly appreciates the support and great relationships we have with our supporters and sponsors.